Course Introduction
The NEBOSH National General Certificate (NGC) qualification course provides a good foundation in health and safety for managers, supervisors and staff whose day-to-day responsibilities include health and safety. Ensuring you or one of your employees obtains the NEBOSH NGC will help to promote efficient and reliable workplace health and safety processes and procedures.
This NEBOSH qualification is often the first step towards starting a career in health & safety. It is accepted by the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and meets the academic requirements for Technical Membership of IOSH (Tech IOSH).
Course Aims
On successful completion of the training, delegates will be able to:
- Identify the common hazards and unsafe practices likely to be found in the workplace, and know the appropriate remedial actions to be taken. Monitor and audit management policies and procedures.
- Interpret health and safety legislation and guidance.
- Assist in the preparation and review of safety policies.
- Use proactive and reactive strategies to prevent or reduce workplace accidents and ill-health.
- Organise the work of a safety committee and manage safety representatives.
- Undertake appropriate inspections and monitoring techniques.
The training is delivered by experienced, qualified and approved health and safety consultants who provide such a service with chartered membership of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (CMIOSH). NEBOSH NGC tutors are listed on the Occupational Safety and Health Consultants Register (OSHCR).
Course Outline
This is a PHSC Ltd (part of the PHSC plc group of companies) course run by Quality Leisure Management Ltd (QLM) and delivered by QLM consultants. As such this externally accredited and verified course is delivered by safety and health professionals and tailored to the sport, leisure and culture industries.
The course will take place over 11 days on a block-release basis. The usual format for this is 2 x 5 days and 1 extra day before the examination date. The examinations themselves last for 1 day. In addition to the training and examinations, students are required to complete a practical assignment at a workplace of their choice within 14 days of the examination.
Homework will be issued to delegates throughout the course. This homework will be marked by a former NEBOSH examiner who will give ongoing guidance and feedback
Units NGC1 and NGC2 are each assessed by a two-hour written examination. Each written examination consists of ten ‘short-answer’ questions and one ‘long-answer’ question. It is compulsory to answer all questions. Candidate exam papers are marked by external examiners appointed by NEBOSH.
Unit NGC3 is assessed by a two-hour practical examination carried out in the candidate’s workplace. This practical assessment must normally be taken within 14 days of the written examination. The practical examination is internally assessed by the programme organiser and externally moderated by NEBOSH.
A NEBOSH National General Certificate will be awarded to those who successfully complete the course.
Next PHSC Ltd course: NEBOSH National General Certificate
Week 1: 13th-17th January 2025 | Week 2: 27th-31st January 2025 | Exam: 5th February 2025
The Old Church, 31 Rochester Road , Aylesford, Kent ME20 7PR